Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a green stone that has red or brown spots due to impurities in iron oxide, and its green color is due to the presence of amphibole or chlorite minerals found in green chalcedony. Due to this. This gemstone is a type of chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of silica composed of fine intergrowths of morganite and quartz. The distribution of its green color is not consistently uniform and may display blue or yellow streaks interspersed with green. The word heliotrope originates from the Greek words helio meaning sun and tropos meaning sunward, the stone resembles heliotrope plants turned towards the sun.
Bloodstone, the named for its ability to reflect the color of blood in sunlight or water, was revered for its extraordinary properties in ancient times. Legends about the bloodstone include the power to boil water and create disturbances in vessels. According to Pliny the elder, it served as a mirror of the sun, revealing solar eclipses. Over time, the legends expanded, suggesting that it could turn the sun blood red and affect natural phenomena. The roman magician demigron claimed he could predict the future through rain and audible divination in the 2nd century.
It has a claiming effect on emotions, removes confusion and promotes feelings of self worth, confidence and independence. It teaches that chaos often precedes change and guides the individual in knowing when it is appropriate to strategically move away from situations. Bloodstone Cabochon also helps those who have been bullied or abandoned by others to regain their connection to god and know that loneliness and isolation are mere illusions.
Also, for those who are seriously ill, bloodstone is an excellent talisman for confronting the realities of physical death and dying, allowing one to look fearlessly at the truth and move forward in the most appropriate ways. This gemstone can be found in various countries around the world. India is currently the largest producer of bloodstone, while California is a major producer in the united states.